Straight Forward Workflow

Smart phone, computer and mug with Bee all Deisgn logo in it

With our custom system, you arrange your design jobs in the design queue, putting the top priority job to the top of your design queue, and this is the very next job we will do for you and so on.

Unlike other services, we will not make you wait until this job is complete before moving on to the next project if it's only something like a minor text change.

At Bee All Design, our worker bees like to stay busy and will start working on the next task for you. No need to buy a more expensive package to get work done at a reasonable pace. However, if you need multiple jobs completed simultaneously or need higher daily output, then you should look at our other packages.

Unlike other services, we match you with the best designer for the job you requested. Not every designer can do every style of design, so why give you a "dedicated" designer for a job they can't do instead of someone who has spent years doing that style of design.

No problem, when requesting your design job, ask for that designer as your first preference. Note that you will only see the names of designers who have done jobs for you in the past. Also, understand that they might be on other tasks. We will add you to their priority queue, but it might take a little longer because of their current workload/holidays. Please understand if the designer has little experience in the job you are requesting, they will recommend another designer in our colony who is better suited to the task at hand.

Yes, you can, I have used other "unlimited graphic design" services before founding Bee All Design, and one of the things that used to drive me crazy is that I needed to be the person requesting all the design jobs. At Bee All Design you can set up others to use your account, you still have the same design queue for all your tasks, and we will do them in the order they come in/the priority you set them.

Yes, it's straightforward, just set up each brand in your account.

Yes, if the person paying for the account is happy for you to request personal designs** (note we don't check) then go ahead and ask for them and we will do them in the order we receive them. If your company's policy is that your staff can request personal design work after company designs, just move the tasks to the end of your queue.

Our designers work on your designs each business day*, so you can expect daily output. Specific jobs will take several days to complete. For example, a Restaurant Menu will take much longer to do than a Meme. A Website mock-up will take longer than a Business Card. However, we will keep you updated on the progress.

No, everything is done online via the client area of our website. If you need someone to talk to on the phone about your design requests, then respectfully our service may not be for you.

No problem, we offer unlimited revisions while you remain a client and indeed you can altogether reject the design you got and get another design until you're happy. Design is a creative process, and we are not all going to like the same designs. So, we will keep working until you get the design you want. Giving us as much detail during your initial brief is key to getting the designs you want faster.

Note: If your first task is a logo and your next tasks are business card/letterheads that need this logo, then we have no choice but to wait until you have approved your logo before working on these jobs that require the logo completed.

Check and settings icons on hexagon shape background

Once you're happy with the design, you mark it off as complete.

If it needs changes made, no problem, we will keep making changes while you remain a client until your 100% happy.

Unlike other services, we will also have started work on your next job if it was only minor changes you requested. It stops you having the next job delayed because you only wanted a small bit of text changed in the last one.