Privacy Policy Covering Bee All Design

Location & Registered Detail

UK Internet Sites Limited is the company behind Bee All Design and is a company registered in Scotland in the United Kingdom No. SC210739 | VAT No. GB761723920 | We are registered under the Data Protection Act. In the United Kingdom registration No. Z6404258.

General Policy

Bee All Design respects your privacy. The information you give us or is collected automatically helps us run the website and third parties to provide you with the services available via this website. Please keep in mind that any personal information that you submit via forms, forums, emails/letters etc for publication and the like may be collected by others. If you have any concerns, questions or comments please contact us.

Email Newsletters

Bee All Design has an email newsletter on its site that is free to sign up to. We will ask for your name and your email address on sign up and may ask you for further information depending on if you plan to use this site as a member of the public or a business. We do not give out our email lists to other parties. Our newsletters contain promotions and advertisements for various businesses, information on other sites and services that we offer. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter you may do so by visiting the site and using the unsubscribe facility. You may also click on the link at the bottom of all newsletters in order to unsubscribe.


Some services on this website we may require you to register with us. This will allow access to additional services that we provide.

Third Party Sites Our site operates with third party sites (such as Google Analytics & Paid On Results), we may, on occasion, share non-personal aggregated information to third parties.


We use cookies to track advertising information, website usage and to store non-personal information in order for you to use this website. On certain sites or third-party sites we may utilise cookies for other purposes such as order tracking in online shops or for targeting advertisements to particular types of visitor. If you do not want cookies stored when using this site, please use your browser opt-out option, however this may render the website and some of the tools useless as most modern websites rely on cookies to operate.


We will at times run online surveys. These are used to gauge our service, collect demographic information and to find out interesting or fun information about our site users. The surveys are optional and we may share non-personal, aggregated information with third parties.


We always strive to keep the information that you supply directly or indirectly secure, but please be aware that the Internet is not a fully secure medium.

Usage of Information

If requested, we may submit your information to local or government authorities.

Policy Changes

By using our site, you agree to accept this privacy policy and are aware that our policy may change with time. Any changes to this policy will appear on this web page.